Do your eyes ever burn, feel gritty, or scratchy? Do you have red or watery eyes? Do you have itchy, swollen, eyelids? Does your vision fluctuate, especially when at the computer or reading?
Dry Eyes? Dry eye might sound like a simple condition, but it is actually very complicated. many things can influence dry eyes, such as health conditions, medications, computer use, and other environmental influences. Factors such as blink rate, lid closure, tear production, and tear evaporation also play critical roles.
Many people have used artificial tears for years without total relief. At Katy Vision Center we use the most advanced equipment to help diagnose and treat the specific cause of your dry eye. It allows us to determine if your symptoms are caused by poor oil production, inadequate water production, or inflammation. It allows YOU to view the actual oil producing glands of the lids as well as see the quality and functionality of your tears.
Once the cause is determined, your doctor will discuss all available options and create a treatment plan WITH you. In addition to prescriptions and at home therapies, we offer an in office procedure to remove oil glad obstructions as well as IPL therapy to reduce inflammation inhibiting oil gland function. This protects you from future gland loss and promotes better tear health and function.